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Semi-Permanent Makeup London

Did you know?

On average, a person you meet for the first time will use your physical appearance to form a first impression of you in just 7 seconds.

How much does your makeup really cost?

Your makeup defines your personal style as much as the clothes and jewellery you wear, the car you drive or the work you do – so getting it right isn’t optional.

But perfecting and maintaining your look is expensive and time consuming.

Over your lifetime, you can expect to spend around £40,000 on cosmetics, the majority of it on products for your eyes, brows and lips.

Research also shows that if you discount time asleep, the average woman living in the UK spends a year and seven months of her life applying, re-touching or removing make-up.

Add the cost of buying the products that define your look to the value of the time you spend applying and removing them and you’re looking at a lifetime investment of around £80,000 to look as fabulous as you do.

But what if we told you that you could have a flawless look all day, every day, from the moment you wake to the moment you go to sleep, with minimum effort and at a fraction of what you currently spend?

No more sitting in front of a mirror trying to get the perfect balance and blend of tone and colour. No more running to the bathroom to fix your lips or your eyebrows. No more hassle.

Just a perfect look, permanently.

Semi-Permanent Makeup is all about you

At Sian Dellar Academy, we know that your makeup is about more than just putting on your game face for the day or night ahead.

Together, every stroke of eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, lipstick and foundation build the layers of self-esteem and self-confidence that enable you to live life at your fabulous best. Makeup is the armour we wear to make a statement about who and what we are.

There’s a wealth of psychology studies out there that show that without make-up we feel naked and vulnerable and open to the scrutiny of others in a way that makes us uncomfortable and uncertain.

So, when we work with our clients to create the semi-permanent makeup that will define them, we know what’s at stake and our successes have shown us the empowering and liberating effect work has on people.

At Sian Dellar Academy, we believe what we do isn’t about makeup at all, it’s about helping you to be exactly who you want to be – emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Semi-permanent makeup is a cosmetic solution that uses gentle tattooing to deposit pigment into the upper layer of the skin to create the illusion of fuller and properly defined features.

Depending on the treatment you choose and your lifestyle, you’ll benefit from stunning effects that can be created within 2 hours but which can last for up to a year, gently fading over time as your skin renews.

Most of our work in the clinic is focused on eyebrows, eyes and lips

We offer Microblading and Ombre brows to give you symmetrically striking and fuller eyebrows, eyeliner tattooing and lash enhancement to add stunning definition to the eyes, and semi-permanent lip liner, lip blush and full tint treatments to bring colour and fullness to your lips.

The best permanent makeup techniques will guarantee you a look that’s natural, professionally applied and effective, using subtle toning and blending to achieve semi-permanent makeup that suits any occasion, complements your skin tone, eye and hair colour and always looks fresh.

And what’s more, you’ll always have the option of using conventional make-up on top of your semi-permanent base to achieve a more dramatic look when the need or event requires it.

The long lasting results are so impressive that no-one will know it is semi-permanent unless you tell them, and our semi-permanent make-up stays put whatever the weather, meaning you can look fantastic wherever you are and no matter how busy your day is.

We are an award-winning, highly respected London clinic based in Harley Street in Central London. Our semi-permanent makeup artists have years of experience and expertise, and have a track record of success that’s evident from our extensive portfolio of extremely satisfied customers.

For us, semi-permanent makeup is our passion and helping you to identify and then achieve the look of your dreams through flawless makeup that will never let you down is about as good as life gets.

Semi-permanent makeup is suitable for most people at any age. There are some scenarios in which we would not recommend a semi-permanent treatment for precautionary reasons – for example, if you are pregnant – or because it may conflict with medical treatment or medication you are receiving.

Microblading is particularly beneficial for people suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania or any other condition that causes hair loss.

The pigments used can be mixed to match your hair and skin colour and are blended perfectly.

We take great care to use the very best numbing creams to the treated area, which will ensure minimal discomfort. Most patients report a sense of pressure or a slight scratchy feeling.

All that said, each person’s experience is unique and depends on a number of factors, including their level of pain tolerance.

Escape the shackles of a time-consuming beauty regime with natural, effortless permanent make-up

- Sian Dellar

Semi-Permanent Make-Up Services

Eyeliner tattoo

Lip blush tattooing

Microblading for eyebrows



If you’re considering microblading or semi-permanent makeup, but you’re new to this area of cosmetic treatment then you’ve probably got lots of questions. Below we tackle the most frequently asked questions about the treatments that we provide.

Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo technique used to enhance the appearance of the eyebrows. This is achieved using a specialist handheld tool to deliver a coloured pigment of your choice into the brow line. This creates the appearance of fuller eyebrows. The results of microblading can generally last up to 18 months, and gradually fade gently over time. Annual appointments are recommended to keep the microblading looking fresh.

This form of semi-permanent tattooing generally takes around two hours to perform. The treatment takes the form of two different tasks – taking precise measurements of your brows and drawing the new outline and shape of the intended result, and then performing the microblading treatment itself, which takes between 30 minutes and an hour on average.

No, we would usually recommend a second touch-up treatment 4 to 8 weeks after the initial procedure. This first touch up treatment is included in our service and allows us to make sure your eyebrows have healed as expected and to make any adjustments you may want and to add colour where needed.

Microblading is semi-permanent and is designed to fade gently over a period of years. Usually you should expect the benefits of microblading to last upto 18 months, but the exact time can vary depending on your skin type (oily skin results in a more rapid fade), the tone of pigment used (lighter pigment fades more quickly), exposure to sun, exfoliation and the use of certain skin products.
We would recommend have a touch-up appointment every 1 – 2 years to maintain consistent colour and shape to the brows.
Topical numbing creams are used to ensure the least possible discomfort. Microblading is a form of tattooing, so some people may find the treatment a little uncomfortable, but most patients report experiencing only a sense of pressure on the brow line.
There are no permanent restrictions on your lifestyle following the microblading treatment, but there are some steps we strongly recommend you follow for the first 7 to 10 days. These include avoiding intensive exercise (or any other activity likely to cause you to sweat heavily – the salt in sweat accelerates the fading process), keep your face dry, avoid using certain skin products, especially acne or anti-ageing creams or products containing retinol.
Yes. In order to ensure our treatments are as safe as possible, we have a single-use policy with regard to all the microblading equipment used at Sian Dellar Semi-Permanent Make-up. This means all our blades, and tools and wipes, along with any other products we use, are disposed of in line with accepted best practice for biohazardous waste immediately following every treatment.
The more we understand the look or effect you’re trying to achieve, the better the outcome is likely to be, so if you have any photos or magazine images that show what you’re looking for, bring them with you to your consultation.
You can continue to apply any brow products as normal but if your brow routine involves regular shaping, waxing, threading or tinting, this should be done at least 3 days before your appointment. Similarly, if you get Botox regularly, or plan to do so before your treatment with us, please ensure it is carried out at least 2 weeks before your appointment.
If you have acne and have been on prescription Roaccutane you must wait at least 6 months before considering this procedure. Similarly you should not use any Retinol products for a period of 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after your treatment.
Semi-permanent make-up is a form of light tattooing where pigment, rather than ink, is deposited into the surface layers of the skin (the epidermis) using digital tools specially designed for the process. These pigments are designed to fade over time – anything from 6 months to 5 years, depending on the treatment – allowing you either to alter your look through future semi-permanent make-up treatments, or to return to using conventional make-up products.
The most obvious benefits are results that ensure you look your absolute best every single day, and the convenience of not having to apply certain make-up routines on a daily basis. Semi-permanent make-up is designed to enhance your features with long-lasting results. Whether you just want to free yourself of the hassle of applying make-up and re-touching smudged make-up, or you struggle to apply conventional make-up effectively, there’s a semi-permanent make-up solution for you.
Most people find the experience of having semi-permanent make-up a little uncomfortable, but not painful. We use numbing creams to ensure any discomfort is minimised as much as possible.
Yes, semi-permanent make-up is completely safe. We follow strict hygiene protocols that include the use of sterile single-use equipment and products that are disposed of after each treatment in line with best practice for biohazardous waste. Before your treatment, we will go through your medical history and check for allergies to ensure our treatments are suitable for you.
The exact time varies from treatment to treatment, but generally healing takes between 7 to 10 days, and other than observing some aftercare good practice during that time (no heavy exercise, keeping the treatment area dry, avoiding certain skin care products) it should have no impact on your daily routine.
You should expect to experience minimal local swelling and inflammation for 24 hours following your treatment, and it is normal for the colour of the treated area to be much darker for the first 10 days to the skin tone you want. This normalises quickly.

Want to find out more?

To find out more about our semi-permanent makeup and microblading services in London, or to book your treatment, please get in touch.

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